Victory Day 2025, 2026 and 2027
Victory Day is a very important holiday in Estonia. This date signifies the day that Estonia and its allies were victorious in the Battle of Cēsis against the Baltische Landeswehr (Baltic-German forces) on June 23, 1919.
Year | Date | Day | Holiday |
2025 | 23 Jun | Mon | Victory Day |
2026 | 23 Jun | Tue | Victory Day |
2027 | 23 Jun | Wed | Victory Day |
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. |
This national holiday was celebrated from 1934 until 1940 when Russian forces invaded Estonia and took control of the country. Estonia regained its independence from Russia again in 1991. After this time, Victory Day was re-established as a national holiday.
23 June is also Midsummers Eve and the day before a second national holiday in Estonia, St. John’s Day. Estonians celebrate for two straight days, with these holidays being celebrated by everyone.
Victory Day is celebrated with parades throughout the country honouring the military and everyone who strived for Estonian freedom. The main parade featuring the different branches of the military is moved to different cities each year to ensure that all Estonians can celebrate Victory Day.
The day begins with the president lighting a torch in commemoration of the fallen heroes of the country. This torch is then used to light a torch for each county in the country. The torches are later used in the evening to light the bonfires used to celebrate Midsummers Eve and St. John’s Day.
After the torch has been lit, parades displaying the military, folk musicians and dancers from around the country take place in each city. There are celebrations throughout the country, and feasts are enjoyed all day. A brief rest period is taken, and the celebrations for Midsummers Eve begin.
Because Victory Day also falls on the summer solstice and is the day before St. John’s Day, many traditional and historical celebrations have been incorporated into the celebration.
Previous Years
Year | Date | Day | Holiday |
2024 | 23 Jun | Sun | Victory Day |
2023 | 23 Jun | Fri | Victory Day |