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Misummer Day

Misummer Day 2025, 2026 and 2027

Midsummer Day in Estonia is a national public holiday every 24 June. It is a holiday related to the summer solstice, being held a few days after the solstice takes place. It is also the oldest celebration still marked in Estonia.

202524 JunTueMidsummer Day
202624 JunWedMidsummer Day
202724 JunThuMidsummer Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Midsummer Day today is a celebration that blends with the modern Victory Day celebration held the day before it on 23 June. Thus, the feasting, dancing, bonfires and other activities often carry multiple meanings related to midsummer and Estonia’s independence from Russian (and later, Soviet) control.

Previous Years

202424 JunMonMidsummer Day
202324 JunSatMidsummer Day